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Whip Up a Perfect Sweet Potato Pie: Step by Step Recipe

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  • Post last modified:June 12, 2024

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Sweet Potato Pie

If you’re looking for a delicious dessert that’s perfect for any occasion, look no further than sweet potato pie.

This classic Southern dish is a staple during the fall and winter months, but it’s a crowd-pleaser all year round.

With a creamy, sweet filling and a flaky, buttery crust, sweet potato pie is sure to satisfy your cravings for something warm and comforting.

In this blog post, we’ll take you through a step-by-step recipe for making the perfect sweet potato pie, along with some variations and serving suggestions to try out.

Ingredient List

To embark on the delightful journey of making a sweet potato pie, gathering the right ingredients is your first step towards creating this scrumptious dessert.

Here’s what you’ll need to ensure your pie is both flavorful and perfectly textured:

  • Sweet Potatoes: You will need 2 cups of sweet potatoes, cooked and mashed. This is about 2-3 medium sweet potatoes, depending on their size. The sweet potatoes are the star of the show, offering a natural sweetness and creamy texture to the filling.
  • Granulated Sugar: 1 cup to sweeten the pie. The sugar balances the flavors and enhances the natural sweetness of the sweet potatoes.
  • Butter: 1/2 cup, melted. Butter adds richness and helps to create a smooth, velvety filling. It also contributes to the delicious taste of the pie.
  • Eggs: 2 large eggs are needed. They act as a binding agent, helping to set the pie filling as it bakes.
  • Vanilla Extract: 1 teaspoon to add depth and warmth to the flavor profile of your pie.
  • Spices: You’ll need 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg. These spices complement the sweet potatoes wonderfully, giving the pie its signature warm, spiced flavor.
  • Salt: Just a 1/4 teaspoon to enhance all the flavors of the pie.
  • Milk: 1 cup to achieve the creamy texture of the pie filling. Milk helps to thin out the sweet potato mixture and adds moisture, ensuring the filling is not too dense.
  • Pie Crust: 1 unbaked pie crust will serve as the base of your sweet potato pie. You can choose to make your own crust or use a pre-made one for convenience.

This list compiles all the necessary components to create a traditional sweet potato pie that’s bound to be a hit.

Whether you’re a seasoned baker or trying your hand at this recipe for the first time, these ingredients will guide you through the process of making a pie that’s sure to become a new favorite.

Preparing Your Sweet Potatoes

Preparing your sweet potatoes correctly is crucial for achieving the perfect texture and flavor in your sweet potato pie.

  1. Begin by selecting 2-3 medium-sized sweet potatoes, which should yield about 2 cups once cooked and mashed. Opt for sweet potatoes that are firm with no soft spots, as this indicates they are fresh and will provide the best taste for your pie.

2. The first step is to thoroughly wash the sweet potatoes to remove any dirt from the skin.

3. Next, use a peeler or a knife to peel the skins off the sweet potatoes. Peeling is important as it ensures no bits of skin end up in your pie filling, which could affect the smoothness of your pie.

4. After peeling, cut the sweet potatoes into uniformly sized chunks. This helps them to cook evenly when boiled.

5. Place the chunks into a large pot of boiling water. The water should be enough to cover the sweet potatoes completely.

Boil them until they are tender, which typically takes about 15-20 minutes depending on the size of the chunks. You can check the doneness by inserting a fork into a piece; if it goes in easily without resistance, your sweet potatoes are ready.

6. Once the sweet potatoes are tender, drain them in a colander.

Allow them to sit for a few minutes until they are cool enough to handle but still warm. Warm sweet potatoes are easier to mash and will blend more seamlessly with the other ingredients in your pie filling.

7. Using a potato masher or a fork, mash the cooked sweet potatoes in a large bowl. Mash them until there are no lumps, and you have a smooth, creamy texture. It’s essential to achieve a smooth consistency at this stage to ensure your pie filling is velvety and uniform. For an even smoother consistency, you can use a hand mixer or a food processor, but be careful not to overprocess as this can make the filling too runny.

With your sweet potatoes now perfectly cooked and mashed, you’re ready to move on to combining them with the other ingredients to create your delicious sweet potato pie filling.

Making the Pie Crust

For those who prefer a homemade touch to their sweet potato pie, crafting your own pie crust is a rewarding endeavor.

  1. This process begins with measuring 1 1/4 cups of all-purpose flour into a mixing bowl.
  2. To this, add a 1/2 teaspoon of salt, which will enhance the crust’s flavor.
  3. The next step involves incorporating 1/2 cup of cold butter. It’s crucial that the butter is cold to ensure the dough achieves the right texture. Using a pastry cutter or a fork, blend the butter into the flour and salt mixture until it takes on a coarse, crumbly appearance, resembling small pebbles.

4. At this juncture, gradually introduce 4-5 tablespoons of ice water into the mix. It’s important to add the water one tablespoon at a time, stirring in between additions. This gradual process allows for better control over the dough’s consistency. Continue adding water until the dough begins to clump together, forming a cohesive mass that holds together well when pinched. Be cautious not to overwork the dough to maintain its tender, flaky quality.

5. Once your dough has reached the desired consistency, lightly flour a clean surface where you’ll roll out the dough.

6. Flatten the dough ball into a disc, and with a rolling pin, gently roll it out to fit the size of your pie dish. Aim for a thickness of about 1/8th of an inch.

7. Carefully transfer the rolled-out dough to your pie dish, pressing it into the bottom and up the sides. Trim any excess dough from the edges and crimp them for a decorative finish.

This homemade crust, with its buttery flavor and flaky texture, provides the perfect foundation for the sweet and spiced filling of your sweet potato pie.

Taking the time to make your pie crust from scratch adds a personal touch to your dessert, making it all the more special for those who get to enjoy it.

Sweet Potato Filling: A Step-by-Step Guide

Crafting the filling for your sweet potato pie involves a harmonious blend of ingredients, each playing a crucial role in achieving that perfect, creamy texture and rich flavor that makes this dessert a beloved favorite.

Having already prepared your mashed sweet potatoes, you’re now set to combine them with the other components that will complete your pie filling.

  1. Start by taking a large bowl, where you’ll begin the mixing process. Add your creamy mashed sweet potatoes into the bowl first.
  2. Following the sweet potatoes, sprinkle in the granulated sugar. This will not only sweeten your pie but also help in creating a smooth texture in the filling.

3. Next, pour in the melted butter. The butter serves as the rich, decadent base that carries the flavors of the pie, ensuring that every bite melts in your mouth with a luxurious taste.

4. Crack two large eggs into the bowl, adding structure and stability to the filling, allowing it to set perfectly as it bakes.

5. Measure and add one teaspoon of vanilla extract. The vanilla brings a warm, aromatic essence that deepens the overall flavor profile of your pie.

6. It’s now time to introduce the spices – half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a quarter teaspoon of nutanium. These spices are essential for imparting that quintessential sweet potato pie warmth and spice, making the pie inviting and irresistible.

7. Sprinkle a quarter teaspoon of salt over the mixture. Salt is a flavor enhancer; even in desserts, it’s crucial for balancing sweetness and bringing out the depth in the other ingredients.

8. Finally, slowly incorporate one cup of milk into the bowl, stirring continuously. The milk helps to thin the mixture slightly, ensuring it pours easily into the crust while also contributing to the creamy, soft texture of the baked filling.

9. Stir all these ingredients together until the mixture is completely smooth, without any lumps.

10. Your sweet potato pie filling is now ready to be poured into the prepared pie crust, one step closer to creating a dessert that’s as comforting as it is delicious.

Assembling and Baking Your Pie

Once your sweet potato filling is silky and smooth, it’s time to bring your pie to life.

  1. Carefully pour the filling into your prepared unbaked pie crust, ensuring an even spread throughout. Use a spatula or the back of a spoon to smooth the top, creating a flawless surface for your masterpiece.

2. Before sliding your pie into the oven, it’s crucial to give your crust the attention it deserves. For those seeking a perfectly baked, golden-brown crust, consider lightly covering the edges with strips of aluminum foil or a pie crust shield. This simple step prevents over-browning and ensures your crust achieves that desirable flaky texture without sacrificing color.

3. Preheat your oven to 350°F, a moderate temperature that allows your sweet potato pie to cook thoroughly without the risk of burning the delicate filling or crust.

4. Place your pie on the middle rack of the oven and let the magic happen. Your kitchen will soon fill with the warm, inviting aroma of baking spices and sweet potato.

5. Baking time is typically between 50-60 minutes, but keep an eye on your pie as ovens can vary. You’re looking for a filling that is set—a slight jiggle in the center is fine as it will firm up as the pie cools. A knife or toothpick inserted near the edge should come out clean, signaling your pie is perfectly baked.

6. After removing your sweet potato pie from the oven, patience is key. Allow it to cool on a wire rack to room temperature. This cooling period not only makes the pie easier to slice but also helps the flavors meld together, creating a more cohesive and delicious dessert.

7. With your pie assembled and baked to perfection, it’s now ready to be the showstopper at your next gathering or a cherished addition to your family’s dessert repertoire.

🍠 Sweet Potato Pie Recipe 🍠

Prep Time: 30 minutes | Cook Time: 1 hour | Total Time: 1 hour 30 minutes | Servings: 8


If you’re looking for a delicious dessert that’s perfect for any occasion, look no further than sweet potato pie. This classic Southern dish is a staple during the fall and winter months, but it’s a crowd-pleaser all year round. With a creamy, sweet filling and a flaky, buttery crust, sweet potato pie is sure to satisfy your cravings for something warm and comforting.

In this blog post, we’ll take you through a step-by-step recipe for making the perfect sweet potato pie, along with some variations and serving suggestions to try out.


  • 2 cups sweet potatoes, cooked and mashed (about 2-3 medium sweet potatoes)
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 unbaked pie crust

Instructions for Preparing Sweet Potatoes

  1. Select & Prepare:
    • Choose 2-3 medium sweet potatoes. They should be firm with no soft spots.
    • Thoroughly wash to remove dirt.
    • Peel the skins using a peeler or knife to ensure a smooth filling.
  2. Cut & Boil:
    • Cut into uniform chunks for even cooking.
    • Place in a large pot of boiling water, enough to cover completely.
    • Boil for 15-20 minutes until tender (test with a fork).
  3. Drain & Cool:
    • Drain sweet potatoes in a colander.
    • Allow to cool slightly but keep warm for easier mashing.
  4. Mash:
    • Mash using a potato masher or fork until smooth with no lumps.
    • For a smoother consistency, use a hand mixer or food processor, but avoid overprocessing.

Instructions for Pie Crust

  1. Mix Ingredients:
    • Measure 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour and 1/2 teaspoon salt into a mixing bowl.
    • Add 1/2 cup cold butter, blending until mixture resembles small pebbles.
    • Gradually add 4-5 tablespoons ice water, one tablespoon at a time, until dough clumps together.
  2. Roll Out Dough:
    • Lightly flour a surface and roll dough into a disc.
    • Roll out to fit your pie dish, aiming for 1/8-inch thickness.
    • Transfer dough to pie dish, pressing into the bottom and sides. Trim and crimp edges.

Instructions for Sweet Potato Filling

  1. Combine Ingredients:
    • In a large bowl, combine mashed sweet potatoes, sugar, melted butter, and eggs.
    • Add vanilla extract, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, and milk. Mix until smooth.
  2. Fill & Bake:
    • Pour the mixture into the unbaked pie crust.
    • Bake at 350°F for 55-60 minutes or until a knife inserted into the center comes out clean.
  3. Cool:
    • Allow to cool on a wire rack to room temperature before serving.

Variations to Try

  • Maple Syrup Twist: Add a hint of maple syrup for a rich, autumnal flavor.
  • Marshmallow Delight: Mix in mini marshmallows or top with them for a whimsical touch.
  • Nutty Crunch: Add chopped pecans or walnuts for added texture and flavor.
  • Spicy Twist: Experiment with ground ginger or allspice for a warm, spicy undertone.

Serving Suggestions

  • Whipped Cream: Top with whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon.
  • Cranberry Sauce: Serve with tart cranberry sauce or raspberry coulis for balance.
  • Cinnamon Ice Cream: Pair with cinnamon or pecan ice cream for a delicious contrast.
  • Caramel Drizzle: Drizzle with warm caramel for added sweetness.

Pair with a dark roast coffee or spiced chai tea for a complete dessert experience.

Nutritional Information

Each serving (1/8 of the pie) contains approximately:

  • Calories: 320
  • Fat: 15g
  • Carbohydrates: 40g
  • Protein: 6g

Sweet potato pie can be enjoyed as an occasional treat within a balanced diet. Adjust ingredients for lower calorie or fat options to suit dietary preferences.

Enjoy your delicious sweet potato pie! 🎂🍴

Variations to Try

Exploring variations of the classic sweet potato pie can bring new life to this beloved dessert, offering exciting flavors and textures to your culinary repertoire.

A sophisticated Twist

For a sophisticated twist, consider infusing the pie filling with a hint of maple syrup, lending a rich, autumnal sweetness that pairs perfectly with the natural flavors of the sweet potatoes.

Incorporating a tablespoon or two can add a new dimension to the pie’s taste.

A Delightful Variation

Another delightful variation involves mixing in a handful of mini marshmallows into the pie filling before baking, or artfully arranging them on top during the last few minutes of baking until they’re golden and toasted.

This nod to the traditional sweet potato casserole creates a fun, whimsical version of the pie that’s especially appealing to children and those who love a touch of nostalgia in their desserts.

A Nutty Crunch

For a nutty crunch, stirring in chopped pecans or walnuts into the filling before it goes into the oven adds texture and a complementary flavor that enhances the overall experience of the pie.

A Crumble Topping

Alternatively, a crumble topping made from a mixture of oats, flour, butter, and nuts can be sprinkled over the pie before it’s baked, resulting in a delightful contrast between the smooth filling and the crisp topping.

A Spicy Twist

Experimenting with the spices can also yield delicious results.

While cinnamon and nutmeg are traditional, adding a pinch of ground ginger or allspice can introduce a warm, spicy undertone that makes the pie even more comforting and inviting.

These variations on the classic sweet potato pie allow for personalization and creativity in the kitchen, ensuring that this timeless dessert continues to surprise and delight with every iteration.

Serving Suggestions

Elevating your sweet potato pie experience with thoughtful pairings and garnishes can transform this delightful dessert into a memorable treat.

While this pie stands out with its creamy filling and flaky crust, a few additions can enhance its flavors and textures, making each bite even more satisfying.

Whipped Cream

A dollop of whipped cream on top of each slice introduces a light, airy contrast to the dense, rich pie, and a sprinkle of cinnamon or a grating of fresh nutmeg can accentuate the pie’s warming spices.

Cranberry Sauce or Raspberry Coulant

For those who enjoy a bit of tanginess with their sweets, serving the pie with a side of tart cranberry sauce or a raspberry coulant could provide a refreshing balance. The tart fruits complement the sweetness of the pie wonderfully, adding a layer of complexity to its flavor profile.

Cinnamon or Pecan Ice Cream

For a more indulgent approach, consider a scoop of cinnamon or pecan ice cream alongside your slice of pie.

The cold, creamy texture of the ice cream melds beautifully with the warm spices of the pie, creating an irresistible combination.

A Warm Caramel Drizzle

Alternatively, a warm caramel drizzle over the pie brings a gooey sweetness that is sure to please those with a sweet tooth, offering a silky texture against the pie’s soft filling.

Finally, pairing your sweet potato pie with a robust beverage can round out the dessert experience.

A Dark Roast Coffee Or a Spiced Chai Tea

A dark roast coffee or a spiced chai tea offers a warm, comforting complement to the pie, highlighting its rich flavors and making it the perfect dessert choice for cozy nights in or festive gatherings.

These serving suggestions are designed to elevate the already delicious sweet potato pie, ensuring each serving is as unique and satisfying as the last.

Nutritional Information

A slice of sweet potato pie, accounting for one-eighth of the whole pie, provides a glimpse into its nutritional composition, encompassing about 320 calories per serving.

The breakdown of these calories reveals that each slice contains roughly 15 grams of fat, a notable factor for those monitoring their dietary fat intake.

Carbohydrates are also present in significant amounts, totaling approximately 40 grams per serving, which includes both the natural sugars from the sweet potatoes and added granulated sugar.

Protein content stands at about 6 grams per slice, contributing to the overall macronutrient balance of this dessert.

It’s important to consider these figures within the context of a well-rounded diet, especially for those keeping track of their caloric and macronutrient consumption.

Sweet potato pie, with its creamy texture and rich flavor profile, can be enjoyed as an occasional treat rather than an everyday indulgence.

Moderation is key to incorporating such traditional desserts into a healthy lifestyle, allowing one to savor the delightful tastes without overindulging.

Additionally, the nutritional value of sweet potato pie can be influenced by the specific ingredients used and any variations to the recipe.

For instance, substituting ingredients for lower-calorie or lower-fat options could alter the nutritional content, potentially making the pie a bit more diet-friendly.

Regardless of modifications, this classic dessert remains a cherished part of culinary traditions, offering both comfort and indulgence in every bite.

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